Sweets and Stories

Chocolate at the James Beard House

Andy Ciordia 0 comments

As you can tell I’m still playing catchup from the end of the 2011 holiday season. During which we were asked by Chef Joe Bonaparte...

R&D: Taza 60% Ganache Taste Test

Andy Ciordia 0 comments

We are always testing new thoughts, tastes, creations, ideas.. Many of them will never see the light of day but many others we will put...

Infusion Series: Lavender Chocolate Truffles

Robin Ciordia 0 comments

It’s Time to Relax with Chocolate Truffles Infused with Lavender Soothing, calming, a walk through the garden. Descriptors I use for our lavender infused chocolate...

Infusion Series: Molasses Chocolate Truffles

Andy Ciordia 0 comments

While our season for these has concluded we’ll still happily make these delicious chocolates on special request. Unlocking Molasses in Chocolate We have been trying...

Searching for Chocolate Truffles

Andy Ciordia 0 comments

In a world where the artisan chocolates and the industrial collide finding that perfect chocolate truffle seems more elusive than ever. Even if you're going...