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Twelve, an Uptown Charlotte Holiday Market

by Andy Ciordia

The Center City Green Market in Charlotte has been bouncing around the last couple of years uptown and while our own commitments have precluded us from being as involved as we’d like we still like to support local farms, artisans, and crafters in our region.

Ted Boyd had a simple idea that took a lot of engineering to deliver. Take an empty box store in the center of the city and turn it into a beautiful holiday market. With little time to spare he and his team of volunteers pulled it off, and quite well I must say.

Twelve_C1Twelve, The Secret ChocolatierTwelve_C2

Located near the heart of Charlotte at 101 N. Tryon. We were there for their opening on December 3rd but they are also open December 5th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th. The Secret Chocolatier will definitely be there the 16th through the 19th. We might be able to do more but we’re running around pretty heavily as it is.

Twelve has a variety of local and regional crafters from homemade spices, neighborhood honey, jewlery, kids t-shirts, a wreath bar, our chocolates, David French & local artists, and more.

If you’re in the area or know those who are, won’t you join us at supporting local?

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